Daily Bulletin
Council Grove Junior-Senior High School Bulletin for Friday, March 28, 2025
Blue/Gold Day Today is a GOLD day for junior high students.
Birthdays Yesterday: Aiden McCall. Today: Riley Forge and Willow Hutchinson. Tomorrow: Claudia Simecka
Breakfast Monday: Breakfast pizza, fruit, & juice or grab & go options.
Lunch Today: Chicken fry sticks or pizza, salad bar, fresh fruit & veggie, fries, pineapple chunks, brownie.
Today Spanish club meeting in Mrs. Johnson's room during seminar. FFA Fort Scott Community College Aggie Days @ FSCC. 8th Grade Science state assessments. JV Baseball vs Baldwin @ 4:00. Fit Friday during seminar for high school students only. Students must check in with teachers first and be in good standing to come down to Braves gym for walking and 3-on-3 basketball.
Outside Date Forms Outside date forms for prom are available for pick up in the office. These are due back to Kendra no later than April 11.
Driver's Ed Processing Fee The $2.00 processing fee for driver education online forms needs to be paid to the CGHS office by Friday, April 4th.